It took 3 years of non-stop development and building by a 25+ member team to make ChainLink into what it is today. ChainLink, which has services demanded by the entire crypto ecosystem across multiple blockchains, is worth about 10 billion USD diluted.No matter what strategy is executed to attempt to collect fees, big liquidity holders can simply cut such fees out of the process.
In fact, having the code public has not only reduced interest on liquidity, but also made it so that competitors can modify their strategies faster than Yearn Finance can keep up. Anyone who reads through their code will discover what strategies Yearn Finance is executing, and can simply mimic such moves. Yearn Finance lost its monopoly once its strategy became public.Those with real liquidity will have their own strategies better than the vault, and are not loyal to the vault's system in general. Although the UI is simple and the vault is great to interact with, there are no retail investors in DeFi. It is just convenient to have, but it doesn't cure cancer. Its services are not "absolutely" needed. Yearn Finance does not have a skeletal backbone in the DeFi space.The market is placing a 1000% premium on governance and future delivery of its promises. Using any traditional valuation method on the YFI token yields has its price an order of magnitude less than what it is currently worth. The fees are minimal and do not justify the YFI token price. It collects fees from its vault strategies and pays governance stakers. It's a game of chicken to see who can keep their 200,000+ USD investment into Yearn the longest before an exit occurs. If one whale decides to exit, there needs to be an equally large whale to absorb such liquidity. There are no retail investors who own YFI. I am break even on my investment after slippage and fees.

After buying in Yearn Finance at around the 28K mark, I decided to sell today.