Product image for Milk Chocolate Ogre Eyeballs, 2.2 kg. Melt the cocoa butter to 29-30˚C and add it to the red chocolate to make it more fluid. Cute Halloween tin with super yummy chocolates inside, including 2 spooky eyeball chocolates. Create the blood by adding the red colour to the chocolate and mixing together to ensure it is fully incorporated. Secure the chocolate eyes onto the truffle shells with some of the tempered chocolate. Remove the blue and green eyes from the chocolate mould once they’re set. Repeat this process with the tempered blue chocolate to create the blue eyes. Tap the mould against the bench and leave to set. Our large variety of candy eyes include foil wrapped chocolates. Once set, pipe the tempered green chocolate on top of the dark couverture. These candy eyeballs are a must-have for Halloween aficionados everywhere, no matter the season. Tap the mould against the bench and allow to set. Scare trick or treaters on Halloween eve or disgust your nan with a bowl full. Create the pupil of the eye by piping a small quantity of the dark chocolate into a half sphere chocolate mould. Milk Chocolate Eyeballs These eyeballs made from milk chocolate balls wrapped in foil are great as a spooky treat. Temper the dark couverture and transfer to a paper piping cone. Perfect for themed parties and Halloween treats. 2cm in diameter Individually wrapped Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder. Repeat this process with the blue colour so in total you will have 2 colours of chocolate: green and blue. Milk chocolate balls wrapped in eyeball designed foil. Halloween trick-or-treat zombie eye choc balls. Add the green colour to the chocolate in one bowl and mix together to combine. Temper the white chocolate and divide the chocolate between 2 bowls. It may be easiest to use your hands (kids love doing this). Wipe the base of the truffle on the side of the bowl and carefully place the shell onto a sheet of baking paper, twisting the toothpick to remove it. Blend the peanut butter with the butter, sugar, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Tap the shell off the surface of the chocolate to create surface tension and remove any excess chocolate. Once the chocolate sets, place a toothpick into the base of each truffle and dip the shell into the tempered white chocolate. Perfect for halloween Parties Great for filling giftware or party. Temper the white chocolate and transfer some of the chocolate to a paper piping cone and pipe a small amount of the chocolate on top to seal the truffle shells. Crispy milk chocolate balls, wrapped in colorful Italian foils depicting bloodshot eyes. Transfer the prepared ganache into a piping bag and pipe it into each of the truffle shells, filling to the top. Leave at room temperature until it cools. Cover with plastic wrap touching the surface of the ganache.

Whisk by hand until all the chocolate is melted and combined with the cream to create a ganache. Place the milk couverture in a bowl and pour the boiling cream over it. Place the cream and honey in a saucepan, add in the vanilla bean paste and bring to a boil.