To fix the hanging underbelly, you can use self-tapping screws to attach it to the frame. Many customers have reported this issue after buying their Arctic Wolf RV from dealers, which has been going on for years now! Solution of Hanging Underbelly Some advocate fastening it using duct tape, but this only works temporarily. This can be very dangerous because it will touch the road and create sparks on some surfaces (rivers). The underbelly of these RVs sometimes gets loose and, as a result, hangs down from underneath the RV. This is a fairly common problem with Arctic Wolf RVs. Simply slide the new frame into place and secure it with the new screws included in the kit.Remove the RV side frame by removing any screws holding it in place and sliding it out of its slot on both sides of your RV.Unscrew the window screws to remove it.If your Arctic Wolf window frame is warping, you can replace it with a new one.

These tiny holes let dust, wind, and rain into your RV, damaging it and making it hard to see through your windows while driving or camping in bad weather. The sun’s rays will slowly warp the window frame over time, causing it to bend and produce gaps between its layers. This problem occurs because the low-quality plastic used on the window of the 2018 Cherokee Arctic Wolf is susceptible to temperature changes and sun rays. If your window frame is warped, you’ll notice that the window doesn’t stay in its original position. The good news is that most of these problems are easily fixed-if you know what they are! Arctic wolf 287bh problems and the Solutions Warped Window Frame Problem But eventually, just like with any other modern product, there will be problems with your RV or camper. This post will give you my top 5 most common problems with solutions.Īrctic Wolf is one of the top brands in pop-up campers, and Arctic Wolf camper owners are very loyal to their brand. Are you having trouble with your Arctic wolf 287bh problems? We all do.